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“Again I tell you: it is much harder
For a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God
Than for a camel to go through
The eye of a needle. . . ”
Matthew 19:24

At Heaven’s Gate

At last I am at the outskirts of
Heaven’s gate, and all remaining for me
Is to cross o’er this narrow,
Tremulous bridge, this bridge of
Terrifying choice – whether, in faith,
To God’s will to totally submit,
Or to throw chaff wildly
Into the wind, and, like a camel, to
Try to thread the eye of a
Needle, in the reckless hope of
Receiving forgiveness from the fingers
Of Mercy’s Seamstress. . .

Leo Carroll
August 23, 2022
Westford, Massachusetts

Photo by Pamela Leigh

“If you only knew what God gives. . .
You would ask Him and He
Would give you living water. . .”
John 4: 10

Transiting Montana

Enroute from Judea to Galilee

And so beneath a billowing
Montana blue sky,
Jesus momentarily paused
Along an aquamarine
Riverbank to rest and recline. . .
When approached Him
A burdened Samaritan
Woman carrying an empty
Jar brimming with the
Bleakness of her despair. . .
And He called out,
“Daughter, it is no longer
Necessary to cloak
Your heart in such a hardened
Disguise, but to drink
You, instead, these living
Waters, and your name will
Be washed, and your
Thirst eternally satisfied.”

Leo Carroll
August 2, 2022
Westford, Massachusetts

Photo by Pamela Leigh

Matthew 7: 13-14

“Halt, who goes there!?”

“It is I, a simple pilgrim!”

“State your business!”

“I am lost. I am looking for my
Lord and Savior.”

Leo Carroll
April 15, 2022
Westford, Massachusetts

Photo by Leo Carroll

As Far as Eyes

Cold up’n cold up’n snow,
Cobalt hues as far as eyes the
Foam can follow, and
So this Island bares yet
Another of its winter
Moods, dark it seems,
Distant yet tolerant,
Somber, like a great mastiff
Allowing itself to be
Petted by a child, wary,
Watching as a few
Souls approach the
Edges of its beach, while
Atop a boardwalk’s perch
A lookout also observes,
Like performing sentry duty at
The Ol’ Grand Manse,
Studying the stick-figure
Shapes of these poor
Creatures – in the Presence
Of the Almighty they
Have come to beseech.

Leo Carroll
December 26, 2021
Plum Island, Massachusetts

Photo by Bernard Carroll

Ode to Lord

You observe me in Your
Pervasive “I AM WHO I AM” presence,
Never letting me go, while I, in my
Earthly obliviousness and
Nonchalance, am
Protected by You
Beneath the wing of Your
Sweet shadow. Why,
O Lord, why do You so
Faithfully suffer my
Abandonment of You?
I have far, far surpassed the
‘Three times’ before the cock in
The courtyard crowed…

Leo Carroll
December 12, 2021
Plum Island, Massachusetts

Photo by Bernard Carroll