
The Field
Click for meditationRegarding "The Field"
I was once given a gift,
A gift shown to me by a friend,
A gift beyond words to ever adequately
Describe, and a gift
Surpassing all measure and
Human treasure.
It was a place in the
Middle of the Maine woods,
Secluded, a field, a golden field,
Surrounded by old stone
Walls, inhabited by
Everything good that
Could ever be said
About the purity and
Hardscrabble spirit of Maine,
And it was in that field I learned
I could rest in solitude
Amongst the milkweed pod, and
Could recline in ease and
Peace with my name.
Leo Carroll
April 24, 2018
I stepped into a Maine-filled field,
Breathed its life and felt its feel,
When then I spied the milkweed pod, and
Mused they lined the path to God…
So amongst the pod I reclined myself, and
Spread my cares before that land devout. When
Then replied from a treetop far, crow’s
Answering call in knowing “caw.”

Prequel to ‘Elysian Daydreaming’
Click for meditationRegarding "Prequel to ‘Elysian Daydreaming’"
This poem was
Written six months after I wrote
“Elysian Daydreaming.” The two poems are
Companions to one another, but this
Poem is actually a prequel,
And depicts events
Leading up to, and prior to, the
First poem of July 1, 1998.
It describes the moments just
Before my dreamlike boat ride with
An unknown, mythical
Woman. Both poems
Are still very peaceful to me,
Lo all these twenty plus
Years later. They portray the
Exquisite happiness existing
Between a man and a woman in
The heavenly setting of an
Unbelievably placid lake in an
Unbelievably perfect time
And daydream.
Leo Carroll
February 5, 2019
I envision a woman
Upon a dock, a woman absorbed in
Blissful thought.
This woman slowly
Turns my way, as if expecting my
Arrival today…
Tied to the dock gently
Rocks a small boat, a boat at rest in
Elysian float.
This boat rides with a
Soothing sigh, knowing soon that
Two souls abide…

Elysian Daydreaming
Click for meditationRegarding "Elysian Daydreaming"
When I am
My mind can easily
Glide to musings
Near and far, to
Wild imaginings as
If I was living under the
Influence of another
Time or star…
And so twenty
Years ago I had a
Daydream, and
A fantasy-image
Floated to me of
Being in a small boat
And rowing across
Surreal, placid
Waters. I was
Accompanied by
An unknown,
Mythical woman,
And we were
On a lake with no
Beginning nor
Ending, and seemed
Suspended in
Exquisite peace.
Looking back on that
Daydream, it was
Perhaps a metaphor
For Elysium, a
Glimpse of the
Afterlife of the
Ancient Greeks, an
Absolute abode of
Ideal happiness,
And occurring beneath a
Canopy of eternal
Leo Carroll
November 29, 2018
There is a lake in
Golden time, locked in place
Forever mine…
Upon that lake I
Gently move, bathed in
Light on waters
There is a woman
By my side, also peaceful
In that ride.
Upon that lake an
Image holds, of all my
Dreams to yet
There is a day I
Know not when, I’ll take that
Trip of which I ken.
Until that time
I calmly wait, and row
My dream upon
That lake…