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Jordan Pond

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Regarding "Jordan Pond"

This poem is using
Jordan Pond in Acadia National Park as
A metaphor for each one of us.
We have the ability and the
Potential to be beautiful,
And in that beauty, to be a gift
To those around us. The
People who walk the trail
Around Jordan Pond are
Stunned by its magnificence,
And yet it is so small, just like we are!
We live in an overwhelmingly
Complex society, and
We can easily get lost and
Disoriented in the immensity
Of everything going on
Around us…but we have
The potential, just like the
Night’s countless stars,
To individually shine. In the
Poem, the “Almighty Sky”
Reminds Jordan Pond about this,
Telling the pond to be
Thankful for the role given it
By Creation, and not to
Want for more, nor to worry
About having more, nor anything else…
Just like we ourselves are supposed
To be — to recognize our
Gifts, and to know we have
A unique role in the happiness
Of Creation.

Leo Carroll
November 14, 2018


It seems to be flowing,
Moving towards something special,
Parallel trails of bubbles
And foam implying a tidal-like
Current, cold and deep,
Pristine and blue-green,
Amazingly clear as if it was the
Crystal ball of a seer,
Trying to reach some
Mythical place, where its
Stream could join with something much
Bigger. . .all while its smoothed,
Ageless stones whisper,
“Where is the ice of the
Primordial glacier which we once
Embraced, where is our
Eternal Mother, our Father,
Our Brother, our Sister?
And where is the sea,
The sea, that teasingly-close
Amniotic font within
A raven’s call or a
Mariner’s league or
Just beyond the tallest tree?”
And then across the
Water a breeze stills, and
Become calm all the pleadings…
You’re a pond!” speaks
The Almighty Sky. “Not every
Melancholic yearning can
Turn into the reality to which a
Limited vision clings…
Be thankful, because around
Your banks I have put countless people,
And your role is to bathe
Them in Beauty…”

Leo Carroll
September 29, 2018
Jordan Pond, Acadia National Park

Photo by Scott Lewis

Heaven’s Green

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Regarding "Heaven’s Green"

Kind of green
Is this upon which I look?
It stops me in
My tracks, and over
It in marvel and
Awe I stoop! An
Green it is, just fallen
From a tree, not
Wanting to wait for
Autumn, but
Content to let go
Under the yoke of
Dewdrops –
Almost too
Invisible to be

Leo Carroll
June 21, 2018


…Perfectly placed,
As if lying in waiting as an
Offering of grace, a
Maple leaf fallen,
With droplets of dew in
Beads on its face.
O, maple leaf,
What could’ve made
You this morn
To alight upon this
Sweet grass?
Did you consider
Waiting until
Autumn, when
Your October colors
Would’ve been
At their max?
Or, was it you
Preferred to release
Your green now,
And thus be
For an early summer
Peek at a leaf by
Spring crowned?

Leo Carroll
June 10, 2018
Westford, Massachusetts

Photo by Leo Carroll


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Regarding "Morning"

I was sitting on a barstool
At the kitchen counter, and beside
Me was one of my little
Granddaughters. She was
Spending the day with us, and her
Visit was starting out with
A bowl of oatmeal and
Some toast. She noticed two
Roses which I had picked
The day before from my garden,
And she reached forward
To touch them, or better
Described, to caress them.
What a gentle moment
In a world which is filled with
Such beautiful events – if
Only we would notice them!
Gifts or blessings are
Given to us constantly, and
All that is required of us is to
“See” them and to
Accept them. Creation
Works in ways which are not
Our ways…we are
Given much in our Pilgrim’s
Walk to soften the
Calluses on our feet.

Leo Carroll
June 28, 2018


Red and pink, a
Little girl’s
Inquiring fingers
Them and
Bowl and its
Spoon set to
The side,
And love,
Love, at
Breakfast to

Leo Carroll
June 8, 2018
Westford, Massachusetts

Photo by Leo Carroll

Present Moment

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Regarding "Present Moment"

Beauty is
Everywhere, but we
Have to see it,
Simple beauty,
Dandelion beauty,
Visible but hidden beauty,
In plain sight beauty,
Beauty our eyes
Are blinded to because
They’re clouded
With the scales of
Worry, beauty which
Is freely given,
And beauty which
Creation appointed to
Our pilgrim’s
Path, when all
Else seemed to flee
Before the twin furies of
Regret about the
Past and fear
Of what the future
Could be.

Leo Carroll
May 8, 2018


And so spoke
Jason in his quest for the
Golden Fleece, and
So shouted Solomon from the
Ramparts of all his
Kingdom’s glory, and even
Inquired Ra, the Egyptian god of the sun,
“Where has been kept this
Hidden beauty,
This boundless yellow,
This brightest smile,
This dandelion,
This annual spring
Hope of ours?”

Leo Carroll
May 7, 2018
Westford, Massachusetts

Photo by Leo Carroll
Beach and rocks


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Regarding "Mercy"

To me, the most important
Thing about being
At the beach is
That when I walk to
The water’s edge, I
Feel I am in the undoubted
Presence of Creation.
This is what I feel
In my heart,
And so, therefore,
I have the urge to touch
The waves and to be
Touched by them…
I always get down onto
One knee, usually
In shallow water,
And scoop my
Hands into the
Surf and then throw
It onto my face — over and
Over — as if I cannot
Get enough of the
Salt water. It is
An absolute blessing, and I
Have the sensation that
I am touching the
Hem of God.
There is nothing
In my life at that moment
That cannot be
Healed or helped.
I am at the original
Baptismal font, and I
Am at the Mouth and Mother
Of the River Jordan.

Leo Carroll
May 7, 2018


Leo washing his face in the ocean
Down I reach
On one wet knee,
Hoping for the right wave
My cupped hands to
Greet. O, how I
Love this cold surf, this
Fresh compress to
My face, this
Blessed touch by
Something Greater,
My thirst to
Gratefully slake!
“Boom!” each
Wave about me crashes,
My hands held to
Their salty lips, as each
One of them
On beach stones in foam

Leo Carroll
April 9, 2016
Long Sands Beach, Maine

Photos by Elaina Carroll