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Asking Judith

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Regarding "Asking Judith"

In this poem, the daisies in
My rock garden speak, and they ask
A woman of quiet gardening
Renown to identify whether their
Blooms are Shasta, Sheffield, or Montauk?
All three of these daisy varieties
Are similar, and are a staple of
Autumn, and provide in their wonderful
Faces one last look at the
Fading warmth of the sun.
It is as if the beauty of fall clings
To their petals, and these
Dainty flowers smile for all they
Are worth…as if they
Think if they band together
And try hard enough —
They might even push back
The cold, which otherwise
For winter would place in cocoon
Their gentle souls…!

Leo Carroll
November 1, 2018


We defer to you, if you
Were to kindly agree, to discern
The proper name of our
Pretty, little daisies…
We believe we are Shasta, but
Sheffield and Montauk
Look like us, too, so if you
Would examine our leaves,
Perhaps you could settle
The lineage of our bloom…?
We’re not asking, though, that
You gage the quality of
Our autumnal beauty, because
Along this garden wall,
Our petals already reign
Supreme with their pink and
White heavenly purity…

Leo Carroll
October 30, 2018
Westford, Massachusetts

Photo by Leo Carroll
Pink and White daisies

Pink and White

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Regarding "Pink and White"

I used to believe
A pilgrim’s path was
Composed of life events and
Challenges to “round”
The “rough edges” off of
A person, much like
A sand grain lying on the
Beach and being bathed by
Tidal flows, and as part
Of this marathon trek, a
Person could learn
And be taught…
The older I get, though, I
Have come to believe
A pilgrim’s path is meant
To be far more…that a
Pilgrim’s path is also comprised
Of steppingstones of comfort
And Beauty, and it is these
Latter two which can help
A person to persevere
And live a more peaceful life.
In short, a pilgrim’s journey
Is not just about being
Re-shaped and smoothed
By the events of life,
But by being helped and
Guided along the way by
The simple gifts of Creation —
Such as pink and white shasta daisies
On an autumn morning
Along a stone wall…

Leo Carroll
October 26, 2018


Could I
Meander along a
Prettier pilgrim’s path
Than this?
Could my eyes
Any wider,
Lest any pink and
White beauty
Along this stone wall
I miss?

Leo Carroll
October 21, 2018
Westford, Massachusetts

Photo by Leo Carroll
Shasta Daisies

Ode to Shasta Daisies

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Regarding "Ode to Shasta Daisies"

As I meander
Along the curves of my
Rock garden’s
Wall, I come
Up’n a flock of
Long-legged shasta
Daisies, which
Ebb and flow like
A cleansing tide with
Whitest foam.
How peaceful they are,
How remarkable
In ability to soothe
The fray, how
Almost ignored,
Because who would
Expect their
Thin stalks to be
Able to bind
What makes afraid!

Leo Carroll
October 23, 2018


I would
Love to sleep
My duty
Come to
My covers
Up around
Me, and
The sentry
I could

Leo Carroll
October 10, 2018
Westford, Massachusetts

Photo by Leo Carroll


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Regarding "Morning"

I was sitting on a barstool
At the kitchen counter, and beside
Me was one of my little
Granddaughters. She was
Spending the day with us, and her
Visit was starting out with
A bowl of oatmeal and
Some toast. She noticed two
Roses which I had picked
The day before from my garden,
And she reached forward
To touch them, or better
Described, to caress them.
What a gentle moment
In a world which is filled with
Such beautiful events – if
Only we would notice them!
Gifts or blessings are
Given to us constantly, and
All that is required of us is to
“See” them and to
Accept them. Creation
Works in ways which are not
Our ways…we are
Given much in our Pilgrim’s
Walk to soften the
Calluses on our feet.

Leo Carroll
June 28, 2018


Red and pink, a
Little girl’s
Inquiring fingers
Them and
Bowl and its
Spoon set to
The side,
And love,
Love, at
Breakfast to

Leo Carroll
June 8, 2018
Westford, Massachusetts

Photo by Leo Carroll
Egg in Robin's Nest

The Universe’s Manger

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Regarding "The Universe’s Manger"

Seeing the
Beating heart of the
Baby robin was like looking at the
Beating heart of
All of earth’s life –
Every life, every heart, all
Combined into
Just one life, one
Single, big beating heart,
A composite heart, and
All shown to me
From my living room
Window, where a
Robin’s nest
Was but bare
Inches away in
A boxwood shrub,
And rather than having to
Travel to strange
And exotic
Lands in search of
Strange and exotic life,
All I had to
Do was to peek
Through the glass and
See the embodiment and
Meaning of all life,
Any kind of life,
Wherever it
Resided in this
Universe, and it
Was safeguarded in
Front of me by
A mother robin,
Which humanity would
Zoom light years to
See, if it was ever rumored
To chirp on another
Planet’s rock.

Leo Carroll
May 16, 2018


Is there a life
With more meaning than
Yours? Is there pink
Flesh I should more honor
In awe?

Is there a heart
Which sweeter, lighter beats?
Is there a clearer
Chirp of born again, new

Is there a season
Which comes with gladder
Tidings? Is there a
Warmer nest to soothe
Robin’s crying?

Leo Carroll
May 16, 2018
Westford, Massachusetts

Photo by Elaina Carroll