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Outside Elizabeth’s Door

(Psalm 91)

And thus they spent
The whole night
Sheltering under God’s
Sweet wings, burrowed deeply
Into His bosom, taking
Refuge in His pure
Petals from whatever the night
Demanded or would
Bring … thus glorious and
Pre-ordained, an
Hydrangea innately served
By instinct, knowing
Since the seven days of
Creation, Yahweh
Had deemed it His proxy, to be
A safe shield for bees.

Leo Carroll
October 13, 2023
Arlington, Massachusetts

Photo by Elizabeth Mary

Matthew 12: 46-50

And so Jesus said to the
Crowd pressing tightly around Him,
“Who is my mother? Who are my brothers?”
Waving His hand about Him to
His disciples, He then continued,
“Look, these are my mother and brothers!
Anyone who does the will of My
Father in Heaven is My brother and
Sister and mother!” And so when
His own mother and brothers, who were
In the crowd and heard this, they truly
Realized He had now left the quiet,
Hidden life of Nazareth, and that never
Again would things be the same…He was
Now about His “Father’s business,”
As He had once said when found in the
Temple at age twelve with the
Elders and the Teachers of the Law.
Instead of striding across Judea
And Galilee and the surrounding
Countryside, He would now stride
Across the Universe, the Word,
The Word Incarnate, the Word Made Flesh.
The Old Covenant, written on
Stone tablets, would now be freed and
Written onto hearts, and every
Creature amongst uncountable stars
Would lift their heads, with Love as the
New astrophysics and mathematics,
Both on an earthly plane near, and
Spinning on a galaxy axis far.

Leo Carroll
September 26, 2023
Westford, Massachusetts

Photo by Jacob Dyer (via
Heart shaped clouds


In far, timeless time,
When time was nonexistent
Except in the present
Moment with no past and
Future dividing rhymes,
The heart that beats
Within me first heard the
Heart’s beating in Thine.
How naturally and sweetly
That thought recurs
To me now, how the
Sound of Your heart has
Set my cadence, even unto
This eon’s very hour.

Leo Carroll
April 24, 2023
Westford, Massachusetts

Photo by Laura Vinck (via

The Tree of Life

It shone in gold, but
Not just typical gold, but rather
Otherworldly, ornamental,
Finest gold, relocated
From the Garden of
Eden, an earthly
Tree of Life set free
From the consequences
Of the bondage
Of Original Sin, and
Now able to renounce
Night and to proclaim
Daybreak – and to
Promise each weary soul
That hope lives and
Its green shoot glistens.

Leo Carroll
February 24, 2023
Westford, Massachusetts

Photo by Lisa Shattuck

One Day

Click for meditation

Regarding "One Day"

I was recently doing
Some reading, and came into my mind
The clear phrase, “One day,”
And right afterwards more
Words, “The sun came back out.”
It was a statement about the
Lifting of darkness from
Someone’s life, anyone’s life,
Each of our lives. . . It is
So easy to become distracted
And ensnared by almost
Anything in this frenzied world,
And we can find ourselves,
Directly or indirectly,
In a place of endless night. . .
The malaise can seem
Without hope, but as the
Verse says, “One day, the sun
Came back out.” The accompanying
Poem is about that ‘day.’
It is a poem about how
An affliction of any sort can
Be lifted from us, and
When it is, our eyes are opened
Again to the beauty which
Surrounds us, especially
Those things beyond
And outside ourselves. . .
And to take this one step
Further, and to apply a
Spiritual perspective to this,
The lifting of an affliction
Can occur just when the
Particular condition or situation
Has pinned us to our
Lowest point, when our
Weakness is at its greatest, when
Our prayer is at its most
Earnest and desperate, and
When we are the most
Dependent upon God.
It can be then that the
Creator lifts our burden with
One finger, and from our
Lips rise up the sweetest scents and
Sounds of a paean’s song.

Leo Carroll
July 30, 2022


The sun came back out,
And somehow seemed lessened
The darkness of the shade,
Not ever to be forgotten,
Of course, but the sun as dear
Reminder that nothing
Was ever meant to bear
Unrelieved the pain. . .Yes, the
Sun came out, and Light and Breeze
Walked togeth’r in the day,
Basking in grace’s gift —
That in love and mercy God
Had writ each’s name. . .

Leo Carroll
July 20, 2022
Westford, Massachusetts

Photo by Pamela Leigh