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(Covid, Winter 2020)

At first you went
Unnoticed, slithering in a
Serpentine way
Through each our
Winter windows, then
Curling and coiling
In the corners
Of our bedrooms,
While we slept without the
Knowledge you’d
Breached the locks
We’d thought
Ah, how soundly
We slept, our safe
Little dreams keeping
Us from being
Roused from our
Slumbers, while your
Cold eyes watched
And waited and
Gradually garotted
Us by surprise!
And thus we came
To learn of your
Existence, each morsel
Of information fed
To us slowly
Until it became an
Pillar of evil, an
Imposing monolith
Which towered and
O’er shadowed
Our lives, except,
However, we still had
Strength enough
To press the buzzer for
Black roses to be delivered,
To match the color
Of your wicked
Serpent’s head, finally
E’en in night no
Longer hidden, lo it
Strangled our
Innocent cries.

Leo Carroll
October 30, 2020
Westford, Massachusetts

Photo by Sebastian Molina (via