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Matthew 7: 13-14

“Halt, who goes there!?”

“It is I, a simple pilgrim!”

“State your business!”

“I am lost. I am looking for my
Lord and Savior.”

Leo Carroll
April 15, 2022
Westford, Massachusetts

Photo by Leo Carroll

Matthew 5:5

("Happy Are the Meek")

Click for meditation

Regarding "Matthew 5:5"

So much beauty in
Life is hidden, known only in
Its existence by the
Creator. It is often that
This beauty is the most humble
And self-effacing, for fear
It is not really beautiful, at
Least as far as the superficiality
Of the world judges…
Some beauty prefers not
To draw attention to itself.
It was in this context
That I stumbled upon an
Absolutely stunning
Crocus in my garden as I
Was crawling on my
Hands and knees.
It was almost completely
Under a bush, and I
Have no recollection of
Its being there in
Years past. It seemed
To almost recoil from
Me in shyness, thinking
Itself unworthy in
My gaze, giving me the
Feeling it just wanted to blend
Into the background,
And let daffodil, tulip, and
Iris get all the applause
Come what may…

Leo Carroll
April 10, 2022


Beneath a bush and
Hidden in winter’s lingering shadow,
A crocus looks up surprised…
For I had just caught
Its beauty off guard, when
It thought itself alone
In the chill of the garden
It resided! Its petals
Almost pleaded with me,
“Wherefore emanates
Your interest!? Other spring
Blooms will soon appear,
More pleasing to your palette
Like sweetest daffodil,
Tulip, and iris…”

Leo Carroll
April 2, 2022
Westford, Massachusetts

Photo by Leo Carroll


A December fog
Appears, like incense to anoint
Warmth up’n the cold
Foreboding of the year, and
Speaks into my mind
Genesis’s proclamation,
“God saw all He had made, and
It was very good,”
From beneath the pond’s
Dark surface a collage
Of fallen leaves of oak and maple
Look up and agree, still
Fresh from autumn’s
Dispensation, having slipped
Free their bonds from the
Shoreline’s easel and into the
Bog of eternity.

Leo Carroll
December 16, 2021
Westford, Massachusetts

Photo by Leo Carroll


Click for meditation

Regarding "Wafer"

In the Old Testament,
In the Book of Genesis, is found
The Creation story. Yes, it is a
Simple story, but it speaks
As a tome of eternal Truth – that in
Some mysterious way, the
Earth came into being and was
Populated with humans (“creatures”) and
Plants and animals and birds
And fishes and all else living…
All things in Creation were
Described as complementing each
Oth’r. A simple story, but oh so
Complicated! Then fast forward to the
New Testament in which Jesus
Is revealed as the Son of
God, the Son of the very Creator in
The Old Testament Who saw
All He had made after six days and
Declared it to be “very good!
And in the New Testament, it was
Jesus Who restored the beauty
Of Creation’s original goodness and work!
In Revelation 21:5, Jesus exclaimed,
Behold, I make all things new!
And in a way this was re-
Affirmed to me recently, when
I saw a yellow maple leaf
Lying up’n a geranium like a
Wafer up’n a tongue in Holy Communion,
The brotherhood of the New
Covenant in consonance with the
Supporting structure of the
Prophets and the Law of Moses
Of the Old Covenant.

Leo Carroll
December 1, 2021


A single, yellow
Maple leaf, lying lightly like a
Communion wafer on
The sheen of a geranium
Green and meek,
Resting as if waiting
Up’n the tongue of the
Plant to receive it,
But the geranium was
Paused, wanting to savor
What was bought in
Gethsemane, in the dark of
That Garden at such
Great cost…

Leo Carroll
November 28, 2021
Westford, Massachusetts

Photo by Leo Carroll


Suffering is the yeast
Which brings us to grow spiritually…
And God is the eternal
During the e’er changing
Nature and faces of
Our pilgrim’s journeying…

Leo Carroll
October 26, 2021
Westford, Massachusetts

Photo by Pamela Leigh