
Ode to Jesus
So much of You
is mystery,
so much of You is
Bethlehem stable and
Calvary Cross.
So much of You
is shadow,
so much of You is
Light o’ercoming doubt
of Thomas.

Lord, there is no
darkness too dark for Your Light.
There is no noise too loud
for Your Silence. There
is only You, and before You
I stand mute.
The Truth
The Light came out of
the darkness, and still comes out.
The darkness could not
restrain the Light, and still cannot.
The Light shone and still
shines, while the darkness
cowers, by the Light made blind.
Light and Hope
Where there is darkness,
there has to be Light, to see it…
Where there is despair,
there has to be Hope, to free it…

Matthew 17: 1-5
"As They Looked on, a Change Came over Him"
one Heaven,
which one Earth,
each’s seeming the
mirror reflection of the other,
each’s image and likeness
and raiment
transfigured as on
Mount Tabor – strikingly
white, blinding the
eyes of those who from the
waters and clouds
the voice of God

On the Shore
(Ode to Mary Magdalene)
Unfurl your heart,
dear woman, and across the
Sea of Galilee to the other
side set your sail.
There, on the far shore,
awaits you the Lord, dressed in His
garments of dazzling white,
Gethsemane defeated,
and gone forever the drops
of blood in fear of
Golgotha’s nails.

Light and Silence
Lord, there is
No darkness too dark for
Your Light. There is
No noise too loud for
Your Silence.
There is only me,
Lord, and it is I who
Must ultimately choose
And decide…