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Jordan Pond

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Regarding "Jordan Pond"

This poem is using
Jordan Pond in Acadia National Park as
A metaphor for each one of us.
We have the ability and the
Potential to be beautiful,
And in that beauty, to be a gift
To those around us. The
People who walk the trail
Around Jordan Pond are
Stunned by its magnificence,
And yet it is so small, just like we are!
We live in an overwhelmingly
Complex society, and
We can easily get lost and
Disoriented in the immensity
Of everything going on
Around us…but we have
The potential, just like the
Night’s countless stars,
To individually shine. In the
Poem, the “Almighty Sky”
Reminds Jordan Pond about this,
Telling the pond to be
Thankful for the role given it
By Creation, and not to
Want for more, nor to worry
About having more, nor anything else…
Just like we ourselves are supposed
To be — to recognize our
Gifts, and to know we have
A unique role in the happiness
Of Creation.

Leo Carroll
November 14, 2018


It seems to be flowing,
Moving towards something special,
Parallel trails of bubbles
And foam implying a tidal-like
Current, cold and deep,
Pristine and blue-green,
Amazingly clear as if it was the
Crystal ball of a seer,
Trying to reach some
Mythical place, where its
Stream could join with something much
Bigger. . .all while its smoothed,
Ageless stones whisper,
“Where is the ice of the
Primordial glacier which we once
Embraced, where is our
Eternal Mother, our Father,
Our Brother, our Sister?
And where is the sea,
The sea, that teasingly-close
Amniotic font within
A raven’s call or a
Mariner’s league or
Just beyond the tallest tree?”
And then across the
Water a breeze stills, and
Become calm all the pleadings…
You’re a pond!” speaks
The Almighty Sky. “Not every
Melancholic yearning can
Turn into the reality to which a
Limited vision clings…
Be thankful, because around
Your banks I have put countless people,
And your role is to bathe
Them in Beauty…”

Leo Carroll
September 29, 2018
Jordan Pond, Acadia National Park

Photo by Scott Lewis
Harbor scene in Yarmouth, MA

Yarmouth Heaven

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Regarding "Yarmouth Heaven"

The Kingdom of God
Resides quietly within us, but we do
Not have to search very far
On this earthen plane to see
A physical replica of its ramparts,
Or to experience its
Transformative peace.
Such manifestations of the
Kingdom occur around us in
The day-to-day beauty of Creation,
Even in a photograph of the
Beauty of Creation
, such
As when I was recently shown a
Picture of a wonderful
Vista in the Cape Cod town
Of Yarmouth. Beauty
Is certainly in the eye of the
Beholder, and the eye
Which took the photograph
Saw it…and thankfully shared
Its splendor and heavenly
Message with me.

Leo Carroll
October 3, 2018


And so there in front of me —
Pink-sprinkled rosa rugosa — that sweet,
Wild shrub which blooms best
At the edge of a salt sea…and then
Beyond it, a sailboat at ease,
With a channel buoy guiding blue
Waters into the safe sheepfold and harbor of
Psalm Twenty Three…and then e’en
Further beyond, in the perfect image
Of September on ol’ Cape Cod,
A little beach beckoning, hoping in
Awe my thoughts to pause.

Leo Carroll
September 15, 2018
Yarmouth, Massachusetts

Photo by Gary Shimmel
Seashell in my palm

Ode to Seashells

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Regarding "Ode to Seashells"

I love seashells.
They have so many shapes
And curves, so many
Edges smooth but yet still being
Smoothed, so innocent
But yet so strong,
Strong enough to have
Withstood roiling
Riptides, and yet gentle
Enough to lie as a feather
In the flesh of a palm,
So many stories to
Tell, so many waves which tried
To crush them asunder,
So many channel buoys
Ringing in their ears,
So many nameless beaches
Which showcased them in splendor,
So many hands which might
Have picked them up, and then
Passed them along — until
They came to where I am, and
My eyes in another’s
Palm gaze them upon.

Leo Carroll
August 13, 2018


How came you to
Be in her hand, so that to me
She would you give,
My flesh to become soon your
New plane of sand,
Your thin frailness
To become my strength…
Each to the other
To the other…all having
As their source the
Unremitting pounding
And smoothing you once
Withstood — upon an
Anointed shore I tremble to even
Set my pilgrim’s foot!

Leo Carroll
August 13, 2018
Westford, Massachusetts

Photo by Elaina Carroll

My Feet

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Regarding "My Feet"

There is a small tidal pond,
Naturally preserved, perfect in its
Primordial soul, perfect
In its willingness to serve. And so I found myself
There, immersed in what it
Had to offer, my toes
Intermingled with periwinkles,
And scrubbed by ‘knotted wrack,’
Itself undulating ’round
Smoothed stones,
And then over.

Leo Carroll
September 17, 2018


My Feet in the Water

My feet, each being washed
Clean by the patient primordial sea in healing,
Each little wave lapping as if a
Water pitcher poured down, each smoothed
Stone one of the steps I was
Shown when my life I was
Searching to be found, each
Gentle ocean sponge to exfoliate
My flesh in consonance with
The universe’s care…yes, my feet, and
By these cold Maine gifts they
Are bathed, as if this tidal
Pond’s purpose was to soothe all
They had to bear…

Leo Carroll
August 1, 2018
Rachel Carson Salt Pond Preserve
New Harbor, Maine

Photos by Renee Shattuck


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Regarding "Sailboat"

To be free,
To be carried by the wind
Uncaringly, to
Cast your lot with
Fate and to let the tides
Caress you with
No fear, because you
Have decided to
Be free, the air in your
Hair and the
Air imbibed like
Quenching, wheat beer…
Ah, yes, free,
Answering to no one
But Mariah the Wind, and she
Turns her gaze
Towards you and asks,
“Why not come
Here, where the sails
Are topped for your life
To live?”

Leo Carroll
July 9, 2018


There rides my
Daydream, sailing towards and
Away from me,
And then gone it is
Beyond a jutting shoreline,
Where it disappears
For a moment behind
A teasing veil…but then back,
I see it, back, tacking
Towards a little
Summer isle, appearing
To slow offshore
A small, sandy beach,
Pausing, deciding whether
To dip its masts
Towards me — and from
Afar show a
Promising smile!

Leo Carroll
June 26, 2018
Pemaquid Beach, Maine

Photo by Leo Carroll