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Squirrel eating seeds on house porch

One in Creation

(Squirrel, Peanut, and Woman)

Click for meditation

Regarding "One in Creation"

I recently received
A video from a woman, who told
Me it was about a
Squirrel which had grown
Used to coming
Onto her porch. And so I
Started to watch the
Video, and the longer I
Watched it, I became
Engrossed in the
Movements of the
Squirrel as it shyly and
Cautiously pattered about
The woman’s porch.
There was something
Hypnotic about the squirrel’s
Manner, and the
Video soon evolved into
A drama which was
Both captivating and
Meditative. And then,
All of a sudden, I was jolted
Awake out of my concentration!
I saw on the video the
Source of the squirrel’s
Perpetual motion —
An arm appeared in
The corner of the
Screen in the video,
And held by the arm’s
Fingers was a peanut shell!
I was immediately
Reminded of the
Commonality of the
Connections which bind all of
Creation, and I realized
My own life had mimicked
The behavior of the squirrel…
The squirrel’s seemingly
Chaotic movements were a
Metaphor for my own
Halting, herky-jerky journey
To touch the feeding
Hand of Creation.
And like the squirrel,
My life-long movements,
Also shy and cautious
And hesitant, reflected my
Doubts that at the tip
Of Creation’s hand
Could really be found
Acceptance and sweet

Leo Carroll
September 22, 2019

What is this
I am watching?
Is it simply
A squirrel on a
Littleton summer
Porch, or is it more,
The meaning
From within
Deep fathoms
Of my core?
How warily the
Squirrel moves, how
Across the
Floor boards
It inches,
Backwards and
Gaging its safety,
Its curiosity
And caution
Competing to
Determine its best
And then,
A surprise!
And who
Would have
Thought!? A
Woman’s hand
A peanut in
Her fingers, and
Sure faith
The squirrel
Would take it,
No matter
How long it
Chose to

Leo Carroll
August 29, 2019
Westford, Massachusetts

Photo and Video by Renee Johnson
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