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Heron with fish at Walden Pond

Ode to Walden Heron

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Regarding "Ode to Walden Heron"

There is something
Introspective about a
Heron. Whenever I see one,
It is usually alone, but it
Also seems simultaneously to
Be very curious and in
All things interested, both
Maintaining proper distance,
But concurrently drawn
To the object of its attention.
In the case of this poem,
The heron has just emerged from
The Walden grasses and
Reeds, and seems to be
Caught in the act of fishing
By the camera’s lens.
It did not drop the
Little fish from its beak,
But neither, maybe, did it
Instantaneously swallow,
Perhaps for a few nanoseconds
Not wanting to offend
The person who was so
Carefully capturing its dignity
As a bird, and who might
Someday with camera to Walden’s
Worn path return…

Leo Carroll
October 22, 2018

And so
There you are,
Your fleeting
Swallow caught by
An autumn
A silver fish
Fresh in your
Beak, and then
Gone it is…
Slid down your
Gullet, and
Gulped in
The whoosh of
A Walden

Leo Carroll
October 20, 2018
Walden Pond, Concord, Massachusetts

Photo by Scott Lewis
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