Ode to Ladybug
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I love ladybugs!
I always have! As a six
Years old boy, I
Would collect them
In a mayonnaise
Jar, with the lid
Punched with nail holes
To ensure they could
Breathe. I would
Raise the glass to my
Face, and I would
Study them as they
Crawled around inside
Over tiny bits of
Leaves. I would marvel
At how slow and
Peaceful they
Moved. Even today,
Whenever I
Encounter one
In my garden or on
My window sill,
I will pause and
Observe it.
A ladybug all
These decades
Later is still
To me as calming
As ever! In a
Phrenetic world,
A ladybug marches to
Its own refrain.
Leo Carroll
June 27, 2018
O, Ladybug, are you really
My guardian angel? Are you the constant that
Keeps my refrain from buckling?
Or, rather, are you the incarnation of the muse from a
High-desert plain, and from your
Perch have come down from off the
Mesa, to touch in inspiration
The three letters of my name?