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White Snap Dragon Flower

Ode to December’s Flower

(The Snapdragon)

Click for meditation

Regarding "Ode to December’s Flower"

Creation has a
Resilience which is
I was reminded of that yet
Again when I saw a
Delicate snapdragon
In all its glory
On an overcast,
Cold December day.
I felt it was waiting for
Me to see it – before
It closed its eyes.

Leo Carroll
April 20, 2018

I kneel before you,
O leaf of green,
So soft to me with
Gentle sheen.

I touch your petal,
Still strangely there, and
Still alive despite
Winter’s wear…

Bowing down, I
Kiss your leaf, and
Warmed I am with your
Love replete.

Slowly rising, I take
One last look back,
Fixed in awe by your
Life intact…

Leo Carroll
December 6, 1998
Westford, Massachusetts

Photo by Jim Sonia
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