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Two leaves photo by Jim Sonia

“For When I Am Weak, Then I Am Strong”

(2 Corinthians 12: 9-10)

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Regarding "“For When I Am Weak, Then I Am Strong”"

When I was sitting
And daydreaming in the
Middle of an autumn
Array of trees and color –
Marveling at the
Power and Greatness
Which created all
Things before my gaze –
Two oak leaves
Tumbled across the
Ground and came
To rest at the
Sole of my boots.
It was then I was reminded of
Saint Paul’s Letter
To the Colossians,
And I realized the Might
And Strength I was
In such awe of
Could be camouflaged in the
Form of the ordinary
And most innocuous
Elements of the
Woods around me…

Leo Carroll
May 6, 2018

To me appear two
Leaves in surprise and peace,
To safeguard me as if
God’s angelic couriers
When all else is
Wind and awe and
“Two brown leaves,”
I exclaim, “the
Most ordinary
Of all that is weak!?”
“Yes,” replies
Their oak tree, “they
Are the fruit of my
Timber, and
Represent in this
Wild wood all that
You need…”

Leo Carroll
November 11, 2016
Deerfield, New Hampshire

Photo by Jim Sonia
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